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Sunday, February 4, 2007

How to check, predict & increase Google PageRank (PR).

Google PageRank (PR) is a measure from 0 -10 of how important Google thinks a webpage is. In Google's eyes a webpage with a PageRank of 10/10 is very important and a webpage with a PageRank of 0/10 is not very important. If you have the Google toolbar installed on your browser then it will automatically tell you the PageRank of any webpage you are looking at, if you do not have one then you can check Google PageRank (PR) by visiting the following page.

Generally websites with higher PageRank will get better rankings in Google's search results. Google takes into consideration many things when it is calculating PageRank, one of the most important factors is the amount of quality incoming links a webpage has. Generally the more quality links a webpage has the higher the Google PageRank (PR) will be, therefore you can increase PageRank by gaining more quality links, see text links page.

Google PageRank (PR) updates about once every three months. People have come up with ways of trying to predict what your Pagerank is likely to be at the next update. Although no one can tell for sure the guys at Iwebtool have come up with a pretty good prediction tool.

This tool does not always get it right, it does give you a very good idea of what your future PageRank is likely to be though, if you work hard at link building you will see your predicted PageRank increase and when the next update comes you should see your PageRank increase.

For a more indepth analysis of PageRank, please read Phil Cravens article PageRank Explained.

5 Steps to Increase your Google Page Rank

Google Page rank is based on back links. Back links are Links pointing to your website from another website. The more back links you have the higher your PR will be.

1. Join forums, forums are a great way to achieve links to your website. In most forums you are allowed to have a signature and in your signature you can put a link to your website. But another important note to look on is making sure the forum is somewhat related to your website. You will still get credit if it's not, but if it's related to your website than you will be accomplishing two tasks at once.

You will be advertising for your website (bringing in targeted traffic) You will also be building your websites presence.

Your websites presence is very important to your survival. The more people see, or hear about your website the more credibility you will have and this increases your chances of having these visitors come back and possibly become leads.

2. Submit to search engine directories. Search engine directories are a good way to get a free link to your website. They also increase your chances at being listed higher on popular search engines like Google, and overture.

Most search engine directories allow you to submit to their website for free. This will allow you to increase your web presence by being listed on another search engine, and it will also be a free link.

Remember the more links you have the higher your PR will be

3. Using ezine ads (or newsletters). Creating an ezine will probably be the most beneficial step you can take to increasing your web presence. When you create an ezine you will be able to keep visitors coming back to your website for more by using signatures and giving special deals.

Ezine's will also allow you to increase your back links. By creating an ezine you can submit your information about your ezine to an ezine directory. This directory will than link to your website(thus giving you a free link).

4. Creating and publishing articles. Articles are an easy source of generating new traffic. You can include your signature in your article. This will bring in more traffic from article submission directories.

Your signature usually consists of 4 to 8 lines. Usually the first line would be the title of the website that you are trying to advertise. The last line would be the link to the website and the lines in between these would be a sales pitch to draw your viewers into your website.

5. Links from related websites. Gaining links from related websites can be one of the most frustrating tasks you can attempt.

They are very easy to find, but can be somewhat difficult to obtain links from.

To find related websites, all you have to do is go to a search engine... say Google... and type in your subject. Maybe your website is based on ford mustangs.

You go to Google and type in ford mustangs, than you look around for pages that are somewhat related to your website. After you have done this (which should be very easy) you have to contact them in some way to get your link posted on their website. This can be the most difficult task because a lot of webmasters ignore e-mail's from people requesting links because they don't see the importance of it at the time. Some other reasons could be that they are rarely online, or they delete spam mail and sometimes delete their important emails in the process.

Important note: When looking for link partners don't just link with websites that have a page rank of 4 or higher. Link with anyone and everyone you get a chance to. If you link to someone that has a page rank of zero, this will not hurt your page rank. It will only increase it because you are getting a link back to your website. Google doesn't look at your back links page ranks to determine what yours is going to be. It simply looks at how many back links you have.

So if Google one day decided to link to a website that was just created and this website has a page rank of 0 and has a domain that goes something like this: it's page rank wouldn't increase even though Google's page rank is 10, it's rank would still be zero because it would only have that one back link.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Free Google Adwords Vouchers

Free Google Adwords Vouchers

If you live in Australia, France, Sweden, Italy, Japan, United States of America or Singapore you can get a FREE Google Adwords voucher in your currency by following the relevant link below:

Free $50 dollar Google Adwords voucher (Australia)
Free Unknown amount of € (Euro’s) Google Adwords voucher (France)
Free 500 Krona Google Adwords voucher (Sweden)
Free € 50 Euros free voucher Google Adwords voucher (Italy)
Free ¥ 4,000 Yen Google Adwords voucher (Japan)
Free $25 Google Adwords voucher (Singapore)
Free Unspecified amount $US of Google Adwords vouchers from iTunes/Google (United States)

Google AdWords is a fast, measurable and cost-effective way to advertise. Using Google’s online tools, you simply write a brief description of your product and service, select a few keywords and indicate how much you’re willing to pay per click.

AdWords is a fast, measurable and cost-effective way to advertise. Using Google’s online tools, you simply write a brief description of your product and service, select a few keywords and indicate how much you’re willingto pay per click. Next thing, your ad is live on,and you’re seeing results!


Reach people actively seeking information on your products and services.
Target prospects on Google, AOL and other top online destinations.
It’s fast to arrange and simple to implement. Start getting new customers in minutes.
It’s cost-effective. Pay only when people click on your ad.
Maintain total control of your budget. And it’s 100% measurable.
I signed up for Adwords and learnt how to use it with the free AUS $50 Google Adwords voucher I received so it was quite useful.

Note: You are not guaranteed to receive a voucher, and if you do get one they are:

Valid only for new Google AdWords customers with self-managed accounts. One promotional credit per customer, and it must be used within 30 days of opening the account.

Traffic Blaster

Traffic Blaster

Are you a frustrated webmaster or online marketer? Would you like thousands of guranteed visitors to your website - for FREE and earn an automated income at the same time?


A huge increase in sales - FREE
A dramatic jump in visotors to your site - FREE
A truckload of signups - FREE
A boatload of subscribers - FREE
Extra credits for your traffic or banner exchange - FREE
An automated income stream

Well, that's exactly why I created the Traffic Blaster Pro software!

Here's how it works:

When someone runs your copy of the software (which you can give away or even resell), they will be presented with 10 websites of members just like you! However, yours will be first.

As the software is given away or sold by other people some will choose to become members as well, putting their website in the first position. Your website will stay on the list until it cycles through all 10 positions before falling off the list!

Imagine having an army of people promoting your website and products for you - and you won't have to lift a finger!
Just think how quickly this will spread throughout the Internet - and, once you've set your personally branded copy free into the wilds of the Internet it will spread on it's own like wildfire without any additional work from you.

Program Requirements: Windows 98se, ME, 2000, or XP. Internet Explorer 6.0 or better.