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Friday, January 19, 2007

Net Audio

Net Audio:

NetAudioPro is super simple to use...
Step 1 All you need to do is plug your microphone into your PC, choose a name for your audio message, hit the record button and start talking!
Yep, it's as simple as that. Once you have finished recording your greeting, or sales message, just click stop and your half way to having your own streaming audio selling your product for you at a new heart stopping rate!
Once you have recorded your audio, you goto step 2 where you will select a button color to place on your website!
Sound easy? it is.... I had this new software created with ease of use in mind and made sure there are no un-necessary or confusing steps to make it work.
In fact to make it even easier each step has it's own help button whith a pop-up video tutorial that will guide you along every step of the way...
Step 2 Select Your Audio Button color... and click create!
There are no shortage of colors here, we covered every possibility to make sure there will be a color that will match your website!
Step 3 Enter your website FTP user name and password and NetAudioPro uploads your new audio file to your website for you!
Yep you read that correctly, This software will upload your new audio message right up to your website for you. No confusion of trying to figure our where your new audio message has been saved to on your computer. You upload it right from the software.
Step 4 Paste a few lines of code that NetAudioPro software creates for you into your website.
That's it, you now have the power of audio selling your product from your website for you, 24 hours a day 7 days a week!

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